If one is active on the popular social media platform Instagram, it is likely they may have noticed a few Concord Academy related accounts pop up on their suggested feed. Generally, they are student-run and unaffiliated with CA. Even though they are not official, they can still be a helpful source of news and updates, a great medium for connection, and simply a space to laugh and be entertained. These accounts cover a wide variety of topics, ranging from sports teams and clubs to collections of fruit pictures. Here is an overview of each type, including what sort of content they usually post.

The student-run sports team accounts are some of the most active, as well as the largest in number: there is over fifteen different accounts, each representing a different team. Most teams will post their schedules for the year so that fans can show up and cheer them on at their games. Teams will also post psyche pictures, which is a tradition on game days where everyone will dress according to a certain theme.

Aside from sports, there are also several news and updates accounts focusing on CA. One recently created account, named “the_lady_whistledown_of_CA,” references the elusive journalist in the show Bridgerton. The account provides updates about recent CA events in a similar, historical style to Lady Whisteldown, a character from the Netflix series. Another example is “caalmostfriday,” which alerts the community of the upcoming Friday by posting a series of student-submitted, often amusing photos every Thursday night.

Clubs and organizations are another section of student-run accounts. Some clubs with their own Instagram pages are The Scallion, Sensational, and a few affinity groups. These accounts mainly post important information about their clubs. Both Mock Trial and Model UN, two of the largest debate clubs at CA, have accounts where they post pictures from their competitions.

Lastly, there are a large number of accounts just for fun, most of them being collections of a certain motif around school. A few examples include “bananas_of_concord,” “clogsofconcord,” and “dogsofconcord,” which all post images of their respective subjects around CA. Aside from accounts entirely composed of picture collections, there are also the accounts like “ca_compliments_” and “caaffirmations” that post positive comments about other students or motivational sentiments, submitted by the followers of the account.

Unfortunately, though the list of accounts is quite lengthy, many of them are inactive now, with their managers having graduated from the school. While these accounts can be a helpful way of receiving news or getting to know the community, they are student-created, so the information could be biased or slightly inaccurate. Still, remember to have fun exploring them— one is sure to have a good laugh or two. And who knows, maybe you, the reader, will create a CA-related account one day.