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Dear Larry,

I recently been eating Rice Krispy Treats at school lunch, and it feels like they changed their recipe. This is unacceptable! What do I do?



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Dear Disappointed,

After an extensive 5 minutes of research, I have found that Kellogs indeed changed the recipe for their cereal, Rice Krispies, and thus have changed the recipe to their delicious treats. I am as outraged as you are! The best course of action is to email Kellogs themselves along with the thousands of other outraged customers and demand for the old recipe!



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Dear Larry,

I completely forgot to chip to my classes for my first day! What should I do?!



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Dear Panicked,

The CIA will be with you soon. You have 48 hours to say goodbye to your loved ones before you are locked up for life. Enjoy your short-lived freedom.

Not Sincerely,

