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Dear Larry,

Why is the PAC not pronounced “pack”?



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Hey Bamboozled,

I don't know, why isn't the MLB pronounced “mulh-b”. Just the way things are, dummy.



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Larry, help!

I recently made a new friend in one of my classes after having a hard time meeting new students. We bonded and decided to have breakfast-for-lunch together over Zoom… and I found out that they pour their milk before their cereal! How can I gently break the news that we can no longer be friends?


All is fair in love and cereal

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Hey Broken Up and Broken Out,

Honestly, this might require some serious reflection. This might be more of a “you” problem; how could you not tell the evil within him all along? I would consider reevaluating your sense of self and your decisions in friends.



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I accidentally signed up for thirty clubs at Club Expo! Now I keep getting emails about intro meetings, and I barely have time for homework in between all their activities. How should I choose which ones to quit?


Overcommitted and Underslept

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Dear Overcommitted and Underslept,

I did the same thing! What I would do is a hunger-games esque elimination process. Pick a representative of each club and stage a jousting competition between all thirty of them! The top five competitors win!


