Umm, hi?

After Thanksgiving break, I don’t know what I’ve been doing. Finals were stressful and the new schedule did not help. I don’t want to relive the experience of getting trapped in the gym for two hours during my physics exam, let alone confront my grades.

From Barely-Surviving

Hi Barely-Surviving,

Hopefully winter break offered a brief respite from that stress! The finals schedule was quite a change from last year, but at least you survived. New semester, new you. Maybe work on your New Year’s resolutions to boost your confidence, or go to Survivor Club?

You got this,

Yo Larry,

Spotify Wrapped came out and the results are surprising. As usual, Taylor Swift is my top artist, but the amount of people who listen to her music since the Eras Tour started screwed the statistics. I’m only in the top three percent of her listeners now. This is supposed to be the one thing I can count on after the mental toll of finals!

Avid Listener

Dear Avid Listener,

She did sort of save the economy, so the fame is expected. Don’t get lovesick all over your bed. Get a therapist for your well-being. Try to be open minded and check out some new artists. Put that love of learning into action and embrace new possibilities.

With love,

Hey Larry,

By some weird twist of fate, I didn’t get cut from the basketball team. Still, I'm worried I won’t get any playing time. How do I cope with this?

Promising NBA player

Hi Future NBA player,

You earned the spot fair and square (at least I think you did), so don’t worry about that. Focus on yourself and playing time will come along naturally. Keep practicing. You never know if someone will get injured or just miss the game. Not saying that you should hope for that, but stay optimistic. Good things come to those who wait.



Hi Larry,

I’m concerned about the Holy Trinity–Mock Trial, Model UN, and Debate Club. Mock Trial seems like a fun little cult, Model UN is just a blob of power-hungry children dressed in suits, and Debate Club seems, well, non-existent. Any tips on how to navigate my way through them?


Hello there,

In my humble and totally unbiased opinion, Mock Trial is the best of the “Holy Trinity.” It's a tight knit community that teaches you how to get away with crimes legally. Unlike Model UN, people in Mock Trial are dedicated and actually have to know what they’re doing. All three clubs are great in different ways, but if your ultimate goal is to make friends, I would steer away from them in general. After all, people coming over to you in suits may not be the best first impression of a life-long friendship.

Good luck,