With the rapid development of current society, artificial intelligence, or AI, is becoming increasingly familiar in our daily lives. This technology benefits us by providing convenience, enhancing efficiency, and reducing man-made errors. At Concord Academy, regulations for AI usage are outlined in the student handbook, while across the ocean in South Korea, there is an underground group that utilizes this technology to commit cyber crimes.

The case surrounds multiple Telegram rooms consisting of over 212,000 male users who utilized AI to create illegal films containing sexual content of women. In order to join the rooms and become a member, each user has to submit photos of women or girls around them, such as their family members, friends, classmates, or teachers. These photos can be saved from social media or taken in real life without the victims’ acknowledgment, and are then put in deepfake AI to generate sexually exposing videos and images. Aside from the AI generation, the victims are also subjected to threats and blackmail.

Another element of the case worth noting—approximately a quarter of the victims were minors, raising awareness at secondary education institutions like CA. In an interview with the Associate Director of Admissions and Coordinator of Multicultural Outreach, Melody Rosas-Granda, she provided her thoughts and opinion on this case.

After hearing the details of this case, she expressed her compassion towards the victims. She shared that she has never experienced anything like this firsthand, but has heard instances similar to this case on the news. Since technology is evolving so quickly, she explained that it is critical for CA to constantly educate and spread awareness of the correct usage of these tools. As an adult, she carries the responsibilities of ensuring the safety of, empowering, and teaching students to speak up and seek help in comparable situations, and even spot potential dangers. Additionally, this case reminds Rosas-Granada of the gratitude she feels being on a campus guided by the principles of common trust, empathy, and transparency, upheld by members of the community. The final topic being discussed was the potential existence of similar underground organizations that the public is not aware of. There can be countless cases alike and are not being publicized in the media. Thus, staying alert and reaching out is crucial to protecting one’s privacy and safety.

This is undoubtedly an upsetting and dreadful case, but it is important to remember and appreciate the safe and loving community we are in as we acknowledge the darker facets of society.