The 2024-25 academic year will see a slight schedule change. This change moves class meeting times to 2:15 to 2:45 on Wednesday. After these class meetings, club blocks will take place from 2:45 to 3:15. The new schedule also moves ensemble times to Friday lunch blocks.

In regards to the schedule change, Assistant Head for Academics and Equity Rob Munro states, “We are always looking to ensure our schedule matches our school’s priorities.” Monday afternoons have created conflicts between arts and athletics, and Monday ensemble times are often lost to special schedules, holidays, and observances. “We realized many students continued to be torn between commitments,” Munro notes. According to Munro, this change aims to open up more space for dance and mainstages to hold rehearsals five days a week, as well as allow all athletes to participate in Monday afternoon practices, ensuring the greatest access to opportunities for all students to excel in the arts and athletics.

The Academic Office recognizes that there will be a growth period when people get used to the change in the schedule. “There are likely to be a few bumps/snags; we’ll rely on students and advisors to let us know how and where this updated schedule presents wins and conflicts,” said Munro. He recognizes that while the change may take some getting used to, the schedule change aims to maximize the amount allocated to all commitments. “In our current configuration, we noted that some of our designated time might be better used and shared to make room for other priorities.”

Allowing students to participate fully in each of their commitments, will improve ensembles and sports teams unilaterally. Ultimately, the schedule change aims to provide equitable and accessible opportunities for students to excel as students, athletes, and artists, without conflict.