The ability to stay young—the longevity of youth—has been a topic of discussion since the beginning of time. Even with the efforts put into this study, discovering the “foundation of youth” seems like a futuristic and fantastical event. However, recent studies have shown that scientists may have found the secret to staying young forever, in our own bodies.

As we get older, the number of senescent cells in our bodies increases. Senescent cells are cells that have stopped replicating, which leads to them building up within our tissues– eventually resulting in harmful inflammations. These cells are believed to be responsible for many age-related diseases such as cancer, kidney disease, and diabetes. Several drugs that currently exist may help eliminate senescent cells, but many of these drugs must be taken repeatedly over time and may induce heartburn, shortness of breath, and cough. As a result, many scientists have been working to find an alternative in order to improve the lives of those of age more efficiently. A team of researchers at Cold Harbor Spring Laboratory found out that T cells, a type of white blood cell, can be modified to combat senescent cells. The genetically reprogrammed cells are called CAR T cells, short for chimeric antigen receptor T cells.

When a group of mice were injected with the CAR T cells, they showed a significantly improved overall health. They exhibited lower body weight, improved metabolism and glucose tolerance, and increased physical activity. All of these were observed without any side effects or damage. “If we give it to aged mice, they rejuvenate. If we give it to young mice, they age slower,” says Amor Vegas, the lead researcher of the CAR T project, “no other drugs can do this yet.” Notably, a single injection has been shown to have lifelong effects– it provides long-term protection against common age-related diseases, differing from other drugs that require repeated treatments. Thus, the effects of one injection of the CAR T cell can last years, meaning that the patients can enjoy the benefits of the drug for an extended amount of time.

While CAR T cells have been approved by the the US Food and Drug Association for treating certain blood cancers, Amor Vegas and his colleague researchers believe that they can do so much more than cancer treatment. They are currently researching if CAR T cells can not only promote a better quality of lives, but also extend individuals’ life spans. This newly discovered property of CAR T cells holds the key to revolutionizing healthcare and improving the quality of lives for those of age.